About Me

Hi, I’m Jenne.

I am a mother, graphic designer, & web designer (and I’m also a Taurus). My passions are meditation, spiritual development, and exercise & health. I’ve been on a years-long journey of self-improvement and am growing increasingly convinced that it is one that will never end.

I initially started this blog to share what I learned after over-training led me to develop a hormone imbalance. Though I didn’t realize it while it was happening, I had been slowly throwing off my hormones for years due to improperly fueling my favorite hobby: long-distance running. When I trained too hard for a race in 2018, all hell broke loose inside my body. My anxiety levels went through the roof as I struggled to handle the issue.

It was in dealing with the added anxiety that some other issues came to light, all in sort of a domino effect. It was truly mind-blowing as each new discovery led to another, even answering some questions that I had been asking myself since I was a child. Even though I’ve finally brought my hormones back to normal, the journey is not over. I keep finding new ways to improve myself, my life, and my health. I like to share what I find with others who might be in the same head space.

So, take a look around and see if you can find anything you like. And stay tuned for more posts… 😉